Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Voyager — 7x05 — Critical Care


The Doctor is stolen.

Remarkable scenes

  • The graphics in the teaser.
  • Tom and Harry discussing Hockey with Nausicaans. Sounds nasty.
  • The idiot EMH on Voyager.
  • Janeway's and Tuvok's investigation.
  • Janeway professing Tuvok her boyfriend.
  • Voyager apprehending Gar.
  • The doctor's revenge.


We've seen the doctor stolen before, but never for the purpose of using him as a doctor. This episode is uniquely remarkable in this respect, and well used he is. We're shown an alien society which has very strict policies on who can be treated in a hospital which is determined by social status. The way these policies are presented makes them seem understandable, even if a bit chilling. It's not until late in the episode that it's revealed that it might all just be Chellick's sick little scheme for using resources more efficiently. In truth, neither is made entirely clear. the most remarkable aspect about this episode is the doctor's use of torture on Chellick to invoke change. The ends most certainly justified the means, but the doctor's methods to me seemed just about as chilling as Chellick's (former?) policies. But then, you're supposed to fight fire with fire, right?