Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Voyager — 7x04 — Repression


Maquis crewmembers are mysteriously attacked.

Remarkable scenes

  • "Let me get this straight. You've gone to all this trouble to program a three dimensional environment, that projects a two dimensional image, and now you're asking me to wear these to make it look three dimensional again?" Tom: "Great, isn't it?"
  • Tuvok discovering himself to be the guilty party.
  • Tuvok "activating" Chakotay.
  • Chakotay "activating" Torres.
  • The ensuing Maquis takeover.
  • Tuvok shooting Janeway with a defective phaser.
  • Tuvok undoing the damage he did.
  • Tuvok explaining to Janeway how he knew the phaser would be defective.


An episode with a poor premise spiced up with great acting by Tuvok and some fun action scenes. Yeah, the timing is way off for a Maquis takeover. But at the same time, this exact story couldn't have been done until Voyager reestablished contact with Starfleet. There were two remarkable details that I thought made this better than the average mind control plot. Contrast this episode with TNG: The Game where everyone is totally out of their minds. Now look at how it's done here. Tuvok, after having mind melded with everyone, simply says "pah'tem'far, b'tanay" to Chakotay. Chakotay simple responds with "understood", and in that instant he is "awakened." He says the same to Torres, who replies with "I understand." The two of them probably went on to "activate" more people. The "activated" Maquis didn't act any different than they normally do, with the exception of to whom their loyalties lied, which I thought was kind of creepy, but cool. Overall, not too bad.