Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Voyager — 7x03 — Drive


Paris and Torres compete in a race.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser's little competition.
  • Tom and Harry selling the idea of the race to Janeway.
  • Tom's chat with Assan.
  • The start of the race.
  • The accident.
  • Tom: "She's not a Borg, she's not a hologram, and she's not dead. Looks like you might have finally found yourself the perfect woman."
  • Irina betraying Harry.
  • Tom and Torres working out their problems.
  • Tom and Torres discovering the bomb.
  • Tom: "Will you marry me?" Computer: "Warp core breach in 15 seconds." Torres: "You're proposing now?" Tom: "It's as good a time as any."


A pleasant light hearted episode with only a minor contention resulting in Tom and Torres finally getting married. I much enjoyed the race and the marvelous eye candy sprinkled about. It was kind of a nice homage to Voy: Day of Honor that the marriage proposal required another extreme situation. The way the episode wove together the alien race event with Harry's women problems and the Tom and Torres conflict was quite nice as well. Overall very decent, slightly above Voyager's average.