Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Voyager — 7x22 — Natural Law


Seven and Chakotay are stranded.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tom getting stuck with piloting lessons.
  • The Ledosians attacking Voyager.
  • Tom diverting from his "training" to go on Janeway's "mission."


Another disappointment. I expected since the teaser that this episode would make Seven begin to pursue the real Chakotay, but it never happened. Additionally, I'm disappointed at the unprecedented level of arrogance displayed in this episode. What right did Voyager have to make decisions for the Ventu? If I were Janeway, yes, I would have wanted my deflector back. But I would have shared with the Ledosians how to defeat the barrier. It just made no sense that the Ventu should be shielded from "medicine, infrastructure, and education" based on some misguided belief that their primitive culture should be preserved. The Ledosians had every right to be angry.