Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Voyager — 7x11 — Shattered


Chakotay experiences different eras of Voyager's history.

Remarkable scenes

  • Naomi with her LCARS puzzle.
  • Janeway taking apart her replicator.
  • Janeway: "Once, a long time ago, I called this replicator a glorified toaster. It never forgave me."
  • The doctor complaining about his underappreciation and his lack of mobility.
  • Janeway and Chakotay stumbling on a future Icheb and Naomi.
  • Chakotay walking through the ship, moving through time.
  • Janeway: "Sounds like it's going to be one disaster after another on this ship."
  • The whole Chaotica scene.
  • Chaotica: "Eighth? Everyone knows there are only five dimensions."
  • Janeway: "The delta quadrant is a death trap!"
  • Rules of Acquisition; ?. A good lie is easier to believe than the truth.


So, what did I think of this episode? Sorry. Can't tell you. Temporal Prime Directive. Has it occurred to anyone that this has got to be the biggest Trek inside joke around? Boy, if I were a kid attending school in the 24th century Federation, I'd use that excuse all the time. "Why's your homework not done?" My response? "I can't tell you. Temporal prime directive." Joking aside, the episode itself is pretty funny. While completely implausible, it's fun to watch Chakotay wander through Voyager's different time periods. This episode was also a nicely clever way to bring back Seska and the Kazon. I am only curious as to why Seven of Nine was so willing to help Voyager. She should have been more like Seska for her behavior to be consistent. In the end, it's just another reset button though. Voyager has done these to death. At least it's a light hearted entertaining one though.