Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x07 — Dragon's Teeth


Voyager stumbles into Turei under-space.

Remarkable scenes

  • The "underspace" dispute, the ensuing battle, and the subsequent ship landing.
  • Tuvok: "We don't know anything about this species. They could be hostile." Seven: "Most humanoid species are."
  • Seven: "The Collective's memory from 900 years ago is fragmentary."
  • Neelix researching the Vaadwaur via his Talaxian database.
  • Janeway confronting Gedrin about history.
  • Voyager's battle with the Vaadwaur.
  • The Vaadwaur battling the Turei.


This episode introduced many complex plot threads, but never sufficiently elaborated them. The subspace corridors were never revisited; I would have enjoyed seeing Voyager acquire a shortcut using them. The Vaadwaur were a great idea for a species, a civilization of conquered conquerors. Much like the Cardassians were on DS9. But we never see them again, despite Janeway's "I doubt we've seen the last of them" line. Overall, it was a fantastic episode, but I must deduct a point for the episode's inability to resolve its own plot threads and the series' inability to revisit these plot threads.