Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x06 — Riddles


Tuvok suffers neurological damage.

Remarkable scenes

  • Neelix' riddle. The ensign survived by eating the "dates" on his calender.
  • The doctor: "If anyone can provoke Tuvok, Mr. Neelix, it's you."
  • The doctor: "The Vulcan brain: a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma housed inside a cranium."
  • Voyager decloaking the aliens.
  • Tuvok's "not very logical" alternative answer to Neelix' riddle.


It seems the writers liked the emotional Tuvok from Voy: Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy so much that they wrote a whole episode around the idea. ;) Tim Russ does a wonderful job playing emotional Tuvok in this episode, an episode which explores how much intelligence and emotional control have over a person's underlying personality. It's remarkable how Tuvok's interests changed after his injury. Also remarkable is our guest star, Naroq. Rarely ever does Voyager present us with a guest star who remains an ally the entire episode, without at least some kind of hostile contention erupting somewhere in the middle. Not only does Naroq remain an ally the whole episode, but he sacrifices a lot in the end to be able to help Tuvok. I was glad for this detail, as it's truly in the spirit of Star Trek.