Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x03 — Barge of the Dead


Torres embarks on a journey to Klingon hell.

Remarkable scenes

  • Torres' shuttle crashing into Voyager's shuttle bay.
  • Torres: "We only have one multi spatial probe, I didn't want to lose it." Janeway: "We only have one B'Elanna Torres. I don't want to lose her either."
  • Tuvok wielding a bat'leth.
  • Seven of Nine and the doctor singing a Klingon drinking song.
  • Chakotay: "I accept there are things in the universe than can't be scanned with a tricorder."


Voy: Coda + Voy: Mortal Coil = Voy: Barge of the Dead. The third "afterlife" plot Voyager's done so far. First Janeway, then Neelix, now Torres. I wonder when the writers will get tired of it. This one's a little better than Voy: Mortal Coil, but not quite as good as Voy: Coda. Torres' issues weren't quite as annoying as Neelix' were, but the writers made no attempt to explain away the dreams Torres was having like they did with Janeway. So in the end, the episode ended up being slightly below average. Not particularly bad, but not all that good either.