Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x25 — The Haunting of Deck Twelve


Neelix spooks the Borg children.

Remarkable scenes

  • Neelix: "But I'm warning you. This is not a tale for the faint of heart." Mezoti: "We're not faint of heart." Icheb: "Our cardiopulmonary systems are reinforced."
  • The replicator malfunction, replicating the coffee, it spills, then the cup. :)
  • The computer telling the bridge crew where everyone on the ship is.
  • Tom: "Don't you ever sweat?" Tuvok: "Not unless the temperature reaches 350 degrees Kelvin with a humidity factor of approximately--" Tom: "Forget I asked."
  • The life form communicating with Janeway using the computer.


A rehash of several previous episodes, but told in a unique manner. Instead of just telling us the story directly, we watch as Neelix tells the story to the Borg children. Among this there are other details redeeming the episode. It was nice to see Tal Celes from Voy: Good Shepherd again, and I much enjoyed the various system malfunctions, as well as the alien using the computer to communicate. All things considered though, the episode is largely an unexciting rehash that remains most predictable throughout.