Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x23 — Fury


Kes returns to Voyager.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tuvok's excuse for blowing out the candle: "It was a fire hazard."
  • Kes' appearance and subsequent telekinetic attacks on the ship.
  • Kes traveling back through time.
  • The doctor lamenting about not having a name.
  • Tuvok mentioning the Delta Flyer whilst in the briefing in the past.
  • The Vidiian attack.
  • Chakotay: "Reverse thrusters, full power!" Harry: "That could tear the hull apart!" Chakotay: "Then tear it apart!"
  • Janeway deactivating the EMH in the middle of talking to Kes.


This is an episode which gets lost in its own premise. The idea was to have Kes come back, but for only one episode. Which is fine, it was fun. But examining the episode more deeply shows its flaws. First of all, the episode takes place in Voyager's past, probably season 1. Again, it's fun to revisit this, but having a "modern" Kes return to us, then tossing the episode in the middle of the past was a grand waste of time. By the time we finally got the "real" Kes back and Janeway + Tuvok managed to quell her evil plan, the episode was pretty much over. Kes and Janeway have an extremely short conversation, and off Kes goes in Braxton's, er, I mean her shuttle to the Ocampa homeworld. Several things are not explained. Where did Kes get that shuttle? How fast is it? How did she locate Voyager? How did she catch up with Voyager? Why is she not as powerful as she was in Voy: The Gift? The question of why she was so angry throughout the episode is only barely answered. Suffice it to say, either a longer episode or an episode devoid of time travel would have been a better episode. And frankly, this likely being the final Kes episode leaves me more than a little annoyed. She already had one relatively bad send off, now two? I'm surprised Jennifer Lien actually did this episode after reading the script. This episode could have been the perfect opportunity to show us what Kes' life has been like for all these years or to even reintroduce her character. What a monumental waste. An extra point for the Vidiian plot and doing a good job making a season 1 set though.