Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x17 — Spirit Folk


Problems arise when Voyager runs a holodeck program non-stop.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tom turning Harry's girl into a cow.
  • The doctor's sermon.
  • Neelix being compared to the likeness of a Leprechaun.
  • Sullivan "playing along."


An improvement upon Voy: Fair Haven, but not by much. The episode is better in that they didn't have to find some external space anomaly to have an excuse to spend all the episode in the holodeck, but we did get some cliched holodeck malfunction action. We also got a slight rehash of TNG: Elementary, Dear Data. It's remarkable to point out how Moriarty had to be more or less eliminated, but since the Fair Haven characters were not villainous, the same was not necessary of them. With all these things considered, the episode is quite pleasant; my fundamental problem is with the whole idea of Fair Haven in the first place. I just don't find the crew escaping into a stereotypical Irish town all that interesting.