Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x14 — Memorial


The crew experiences strange visions.

Remarkable scenes

  • Torres and her television set from the 1950s complete with commercials.
  • Neelix freaking out after Naomi burns her hand.
  • The Delta Flyer crew reconstructing their memories.
  • Seven of Nine trying to cheer up Neelix.
  • The crew discovering the source of the memories.
  • Chakotay: "Words alone cannot convey the suffering. Words alone cannot prevent what happened here from happening again. Beyond words lies experience. Beyond experience lies truth. Make this truth your own."
  • The debate about whether or not to leave the memorial running.


Chakotay, Tom, Harry, and Neelix reconstructing their memories reminded me much of TNG: Schisms. In fact, most of the episode is a rehash of several others. Other notable examples are the monument being kind of like the probe in TNG: The Inner Light, and the forced war experiences being kind of like Chakotay's experience in Voy: Nemesis. The rehash itself is only slightly boring and annoying, but the episode starts to really miss the mark with the ending. Nobody should be forced to experience something they don't want to. Janeway's decision was wrong. So given all of this, it's hard to give this episode much of a rating.