Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Voyager — 6x11 — Fair Haven


The crew enjoys the holodeck creation Fair Haven.

Remarkable scenes

  • Janeway reprogramming Michael Sullivan.
  • Tom, Harry, and Neelix unintentionally worsening Tuvok's space sickness.
  • Tom: "You'd make a good barometer, Tuvok. Every time you get queasy, we go to red alert."
  • Seven acing the rings tournament.


Not very interesting in the slightest. A lot of people complain about how every episode of Star Trek introduces a new dangerous situation and a new conflict; that at times it feels redundant or that we never get a sufficient feel for daily life aboard ship. However, this episode is deficient because of its distinct lack of any such contention. It's also annoying that in order to show an episode about the day to day life of the characters, there had to be some kind of space anomaly to stop the ship from moving first. That said, the main plot of this episode would have made a decent B plot for a more interesting episode and there were details about the setting and characters of Fair Haven that were quite charming. But ultimately it seemed to be a poor use of episode time.