Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x07 — Infinite Regress


Seven experiences multiple personality disorder.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seven of Nine's odd behavior in the teaser.
  • Naomi shadowing Seven.
  • Seven of Nine's personality reverting to that of a human little girl.
  • Seven, as a Klingon male, seducing Torres.
  • Seven becoming a Vulcan, then becoming a Klingon again and attacking Tuvok. I like her Klingon line just before she attacks him: "You will drown in your own blood!"
  • Seven of Nine as a Ferengi.
  • The doctor regarding mind melds: "Captain! You can't actually be considering this Vulcan mumbo jumbo!"
  • The doctor to Tuvok: "With all these new personalities floating around, it's a shame we can't find one for you."
  • The mind meld.


A rehash of TNG: Masks that doesn't suck. Jeri Ryan does a fantastic job acting out all of her multiple personalities, and the rapport she develops with Naomi is pretty neat as well. We get to see a Borg "vinculum," which is supposedly the central processor at the heart of every Borg vessel, purging individual thought and maintaining the central link to the Collective. Or in short, "bringing order to chaos." We also get an interesting look at an unfortunately nameless species 6339. Their species was mostly assimilated by the Borg, the survivors engineered a virus that attacks Borg vessels, creating this Borg multiple personality disorder. This detail shows intelligent writing, Seven of Nine isn't spontaneously freaking out just because she's in the proximity of Borg technology, which would have been cliched. Overall, the episode was slightly above average.