Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x06 — Timeless


Kim attempts to rewrite history.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seeing Voyager buried under ice...
  • Harry excavating the doctor.
  • The flashback to the party.
  • Tuvok: "Mr. Neelix, you are an unending source of astonishment."
  • Harry and Chakotay explaining their plan to the doctor.
  • The doctor: "Out of the icebox and into the fire..."
  • Captain LaForge of the Starship Challenger!
  • Harry: "This is no ordinary phone call, Doc. When talking to yesterday, timing is everything."
  • Tom: "Captain, we're just a few parsecs from the alpha quadrant!" Janeway: "Not exactly how I wanted to cross the finish line."
  • The crash.
  • The doctor making Harry realize he can send a set of corrections which will disperse the slipstream entirely, saving their lives, even if not getting them home.
  • Harry using the doctor's mobile emitter to power the temporal transmitter.
  • Harry sending the message just as the Delta Flyer explodes.
  • Harry: "Wait a second. If I sent a message from the future and changed the past, then that future would no longer exist, right? So, how could I have sent the message in the first place? Am I making any sense?" Janeway: "My advice in making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple. Don't even try. To me all that matters is that somewhere, somehow, sometime, you come through for us."


A quantum matrix, benamite crystals, and Borg technology bring us a new and improved replacement quantum slipstream drive inspired by the one first featured in Voy: Hope and Fear that turned out to be in fact too dangerous to use again. The crew believes this new and improved version will work and get them home. But their new version turned out to be even more dangerous than their old one. The best part about this episode is the wonderful directing. The transitions between the past and the future were very well done, such as the scene where Chakotay lays down a PADD, then we see the PADD frozen in the future. We get to hear Janeway's final log entry in the future when Chakotay stumbles on the file, then we get to see her actually make that log entry in the past. I also love the way they alternating showing us Voyager in the past chasing the Delta Flyer and the Galaxy class starship captained by Geordi chasing the Delta Flyer in the future. Finally, we get to see Harry view the message his future self recorded earlier. A surely surreal moment for him. The only thing I don't like about this wonderful episode is the technical issue surrounding why Voyager can never use this technology again, described in the problems section. Otherwise, one of the best time travel episodes and a wonderful celebration for Voyager's 100th episode.