Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x24 — Relativity


Voyager's future depends on Seven.

Remarkable scenes

  • The sight of the Utopia Planitia shipyards.
  • Seven of Nine wandering around in Voyager's past.
  • Carey appearance.
  • The sight of the Federation timeship Relativity.
  • Braxton: "Tempus fugit." (Latin for "time flies.")
  • The doctor: "The next time your human physiology fails you, don't consult the database. Just call me." Seven: "You are the database."
  • The ping pong ball freezing in mid air. Harry to Tom: "What do you call that shot?" When the ping pong bull unfroze, I like how Neelix gave Tom his point for scoring. :)
  • The doctor: "An injection a day keeps space sickness away!"
  • Temporal paradoxes beginning to occur throughout the ship.
  • Seven of Nine discussing temporal paradoxes aboard the Relativity.
  • Braxton bitching about "the Janeway factor" referencing events from Voy: Future's End.
  • Seven: "I can't answer your questions." Braxton, listening on the Relativity: "Good." Janeway: "Why not?" Seven: "It would be a violation of the Temporal Prime Directive." Janeway: "You're from another time?" Seven: "Yes." Braxton: "No!"
  • The hunt for the future Braxton.
  • Ducane explaining all the temporal paradoxes and cleaning up the timeline.
  • Janeway: "Let me get this straight. I'm going back in time to stop Braxton. But you already have him?" Ducane: "And there's a third one in our brig. I arrested him earlier today. But don't worry. They'll all be reintegrated in time for the trial." Janeway: "And Seven?" Ducane: "Oh, I assure you, when all this is over there'll only be one Seven of Nine." Janeway: "All right, let's get started before my headache gets any worse."
  • Janeway traveling back in time, interacting briefly with Torres, seeing herself walk down a corridor, then apprehending Braxton.
  • Janeway: "See you in the 24th century." Seven: "I look forward to it. Or should I say backward?"


A very complicated, but extremely fun episode. It's nice to see a bit more of that odd 29th century. A Federation "timeship" denotes a whole fleet of starships with high time travel capabilities in the 29th century Federation. It also tells us that the Federation will still be around in the 29th century. Kind of a spoiler for those of us following the Dominion war, perhaps. Perhaps not. ;) You've got to wonder about the whole plausibility of this episode. I wonder how much work there actually is in repairing the timeline from anomalous influences, or exactly how the physics of it all works. A detailed analysis of the various causes and effects of certain types of time travel technologies would be warranted, though I think with careful planning it might be possible to base a Star Trek series in the 29th century. They could even take the name often used as a parody, "Time Trek", for many fans have complained about frequent time travel episodes. Overall, I found the return of Braxton, the complex approach toward time travel, and the Voyager crew's (especially Janeway's) reaction to the time travel most entertaining. This episode is among Voyager's best.