Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x19 — The Fight


An alien race communicates with Chakotay through hallucinations.

Remarkable scenes

  • Boothby appearance.
  • Confused Chakotay attempting to box with Tuvok. I love Tuvok's swift Vulcan neck pinch.
  • Confused Chakotay hallucinating a highly sadistically critical EMH on the concept of boxing.
  • The disjointed images and words of the crew, representing the aliens communicating with Chakotay.
  • Chakotay figuring a way out of chaotic space.


A decent attempt at an episode, but too much time is wasted on confusion and fighting. The "chaotic space" was also slightly absurd, but the general idea behind a region of space inhabited by aliens that are too different for us to interact with is a nice idea and is nicely, if briefly explored here. I really liked the end of the episode where Chakotay is having DS9 style prophet-like visions in order to speak to the aliens, but I think ultimately the aliens were not sufficiently explored at all and the episode suffers from it as it seemed to drag on needlessly.