Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x17 — The Disease


Kim chooses love over duty.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scenes showing the generational ship. That's some damn nice special effects work.
  • Tom: "Oh, here we go again." Harry: "What?" Tom: "You, going after impossible women. Uh, a hologram, an ex-Borg, the wrong twin, and now a girl from a xenophobic species!"
  • Tom, impressed with the Varro ship, annoyed that Tuvok isn't very interested in adapting their techniques for Voyager.
  • Tom killing Harry's transmission and covering for him.
  • Seven of Nine's opinion on love. Hilarious.
  • Harry to Tal: "You're beautiful when you're scanning."
  • The generational ship coming apart.
  • I love the camera work when Kim and Janeway are arguing. The camera rolls from the conference room, to the bridge, to the ready room all in one shot.
  • Harry: "Maybe I'm not the perfect officer anymore." Janeway: "Maybe not. But you're a better man."


A pretty crappy premise spiced up with some interesting details. The aliens of the week were quite interesting, and their generational ship was both an awesome concept and visually spectacular. Tom once again takes a perverse pleasure in making fun of Harry's female escapades, and Harry gets in a lot of trouble for not taking Tom's advice. I also rather liked the detail when Tom prevented Harry from getting caught early in the episode. Too bad he couldn't protect him full time. ;) The contention between Harry and Janeway is well presented and nicely dramatic and the contention between the conservatives and the dissidents on the generational ship was equally compelling. My only complaint about the episode is the distinct lack of consequences. Once again, introducing a new character such as this warrants recurrence, something I've complained about since TOS. But we don't get it. Anyway, the episode was a nice ride. I liked it.