Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x16 — Dark Frontier, Part II


Janeway launches a mission to rescue Seven.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seven's reaction to the Borg Queen: "I expected reassimilation, not conversation."
  • Naomi trying to come up with plans to rescue Seven of Nine.
  • Janeway: "There are 3 things to remember about being a starship captain. Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."
  • The Hansens cataloging drones. I like how when they beamed one back it used the TNG style transporter effect. Nice attention to detail.
  • Seven of Nine assisting with repairs to the shield generator. I love the blood curdling screams in the background...
  • The sight of the mass assimilation process.
  • Seven of Nine saving some of the aliens.
  • Borg Queen: "Congratulations." Seven: "Regarding?" Borg Queen: "Assimilation is complete." Seven: "300,000 individuals have been transformed into drones. Should they be congratulated as well?" Borg Queen: "They should be. They've left behind their trivial selfish lives and they've been reborn with a greater purpose. We've delivered them from chaos into order." Seven: "Comforting words. Use them next time instead of resistance is futile. You may elicit a few volunteers."
  • The Delta Flyer approaching the unicomplex.


It becomes clear in part two that this episode is focusing on Seven of Nine's conflicting families. Her human family, her family on Voyager, and her family in the Borg. If you can call the Borg a family. The Borg Queen and Janeway struggle for control over Seven, like two parents fighting over custody. The Borg Queen's motives were never made quite clear. She said something about "letting" Voyager have Seven of Nine so she could become an individual again. We're not sure how this was supposed to help the Queen assimilate Earth. But then, the Queen never seemed quite all there to me in the first place. I was pleased overall with how the episode progressed; it was nice to see the Delta Flyer flying at transwarp, and it was nice to see Voyager got something out of the transwarp conduit. Probably the most memorable part of this episode is Seven of Nine's witnessing the assimilation of species 10026. They resisted with 39 vessels, the same number of ships that the Federation resisted with at Wolf 359. Once again, we didn't get to see much of the space battle, but we did get to see much of the brutal assimilation process, which was very well done. A great two parter.