Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Voyager — 5x10 — Counterpoint


Janeway falls for a man who may be using her.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kashyk: "Your culture has many contradictions. Violence and beauty, science and faith, all somehow mingled harmoniously, like the counterpoint of this music. Mahler, Symphony No. I, am I correct?"
  • Professor Torat: "Federations, Imperiums, why do you people feel such a need to align yourselves with monolithic organizations?" Janeway: "I'd be glad to discuss that and any other philosophical issue you care to raise if you would just slow down and talk." Professor Torat, sarcastically: "Sorry, can't do that. I'm late for a very important conference!" Kashyk: "This is a waste of time. Disable his ship." Janeway: "That's what we call overkill, inspector." Janeway beams Torat to the bridge.
  • Kashyk insulting Torat. I love Torat's pump-up nose.
  • Kashyk betraying Janeway.
  • Janeway to Kashyk after he realizes Janeway had fooled him: "Computer, change music selection. Mahler's Symphony No. I, Second Movement... maybe this will help you relax."


This episode is quite original; most remarkable is the music played throughout the course of the episode. The Classical symphonies of Mahler and Tchaikovsky create a surreal atmosphere surrounding Janeway and Kashyk as they both attempt to manipulate each other. The counterpoint in the music symbolized the counterpoint of Janeway and Kashyk's evolving "relationship" throughout the episode. Another feather in the episode's cap was the briefly shown Professor Torat. He was just the kind of alien I wish we could see more of. His few scenes were not wasted, the guy was hilarious. I just wish he got more time and Kashyk got less as the pseudo romance that evolved between Janeway and Kashyk was on the verge of becoming offensive. Overall though the episode presents a successful story depicting mistrust, innuendo, and deception.