Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x06 — The Raven


Seven of Nine seeks to rejoin the Collective.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seven of Nine's negative reaction to Janeway's Leonardo Da Vinci program.
  • Seven of Nine insisting that being a member of the Borg Collective was not a traumatic experience, that she was in fact raised by the Borg.
  • Seven: "You are Talaxian." Neelix: "Guilty as charged." Seven: "Species 218. Your biological and technological distinctiveness was added to our own." Neelix: "I hadn't realized that." Seven: "A small freighter. Containing a crew of thirty nine. Taken in the Dolmine sector. They were easily assimilated. Their dense musculature made them excellent drones."
  • Seven of Nine's first eating experience.
  • Seven of Nine's Borg shielding starting to work again.
  • Seven of Nine walking through the forcefields.
  • Seven of Nine destroying the shuttlebay door.
  • Chakotay suggesting that Janeway has failed to change the nature of the beast, citing one of her quotes: "I will betray you."
  • Seven of Nine's tweaked out shuttle making quick work of the B'omar.
  • Tuvok fighting Seven of Nine. She Vulcan neck pinches him!
  • Seven: "Vulcan, species 3259. Your enlarged neocortex produces superior analytical abilities."


A good episode with good sprinklings of continuity. Nice continuity with the previous episode, with Torres poking at Harry for being in love with Seven. And nice continuity regarding Seven's personal logs. Seven of Nine finds Harry's behavior easy to predict. Great connection with previous episodes when Harry lamented about people saying that. Especially when he's in love. ;) Finally, good continuity with regards to Voy: Scorpion. We get to see more of Seven's parents and we get to see the wrecked ship on which she was assimilated. Unfortunately, we don't get her full biographical past. That'll have to wait for another episode.