Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x24 — Demon


An alien species tries to populate its planet by duplicating the Voyager crew.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor complaining to Chakotay regarding Neelix and his "squatters" only to have Chakotay blow off his complaint.
  • The ship landing.
  • Torres: "Take Seven of Nine with you." Chakotay, surprised: "You're recommending her?" Torres: "You said you needed cool heads, didn't you? Nobody's head is cooler than hers."
  • The doctor and Neelix fighting with one another.
  • Chakotay: "Looks like they went this way." Seven: "My tricorder isn't picking up any life signs. How did you reach that conclusion?" Chakotay: "Footprints. I guess you never assimilated any Indian scouts."


This episode is full of logical and technical problems, but I won't waste my time pointing them all out, for its the premise itself which is flawed. It makes no sense that Voyager would suddenly develop severe power problems out of nowhere. Rather than waste so much time on pointless details that don't make any sense anyway, the writers could have created a situation which justified the sudden power loss. That said, the plot doesn't interest me much. Most of the episode's thrill value is supposed to come from the danger of the planet itself, a manufactured danger. The oddities produced by the sentient "silver blood" fail to enhance the plot, and the revelation regarding what exactly is going on is realized far too late. An interesting note, look at the description of this episode and the previous one. An interesting coincidence?