Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x21 — The Omega Directive


A space phenomenon must be destroyed.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seven: "Daily log, Seven of Nine, stardate 15781.2. Today, Ensign Kim and I will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic of the aft sensor array. I have allocated three hours, twenty minutes for the task and an additional seventeen minutes for Ensign Kim's usual conversational digressions. I am scheduled to take a nutritional supplement at 15:00 hours, engage in one hour of cardiovascular activity, then I intend to review a text the doctor recommended entitled A Christmas Carol. He believes it will have educational value. End log."
  • Seven of Nine defeating Tuvok at Kalto.
  • The doctor regarding Janeway's medical requests for her away mission: "What are you planning to do? Stroll through a supernova?" Janeway: "Something like that."
  • Harry: "This looks like enough for a 50 isoton explosion." Tuvok: "54, to be exact." Harry: "What are we planning to do? Blow up a small planet?"
  • Janeway: "The final frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed."
  • Omega spontaneously stabilizing.
  • Janeway: "Master Da Vinci doesn't like visitors past midnight." Seven: "He protested. I deactivated him."
  • Seven: "For 3.2 seconds, I saw perfection."


This episode is a "holy grail" of factoids, tidbits, and general fanboyish trivia. Introducing Omega: the most powerful substance in the universe. Some of the technobabble surrounding its existence is shady, such as the repeated designation of Omega as being a "molecule." If Omega is the most potent source of energy in the universe and it must be synthesized, one would imagine the chemical reaction involved in the synthesis of that molecule would require just as much energy as is gained when the molecule is harnessed or is used in an Omega explosion. A literal interpretation of the technobabble suggests that Omega is merely an atomic structure that requires painstaking preparation, but incurs natural properties that can result in perpetual energy. Obviously this is impossible as per the law of conservation of energy, but when taken in context that Omega is the substance which supposedly gives birth to entire universes, it would seem to make sense. Ignoring the bad parts of the technobabble, the rest is pretty good and the episode is exciting. My only other complaint would then be the fear surrounding Omega. I find it a shame that Voyager has to destroy it. While this time I do mostly agree with Janeway's decisions, I think Omega would be an interesting concept for the Federation to further explore. As such, I found the "destroy it at all costs" policy somewhat distasteful. In the end, this episode opens the door for a possible distant-future series in which a more advanced Federation is better equipped to experiment with Omega, like the Borg have been attempting to. Who knows. Maybe one day the Borg and the Federation will have an Omega arms race? A Trek fan can dream...