Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x02 — The Gift


Voyager adjusts to its new crewmember.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene showing Voyager still "augmented" with Borg systems everywhere.
  • Kes beginning to display extraordinary powers.
  • Janeway researching Seven of Nine's past.
  • Kes saving Seven of Nine's life.
  • Seven of Nine working in Engineering.
  • Kes manipulating the flame in Tuvok's Vulcan mental exercises.
  • Kes stopping Seven of Nine from contacting the Borg.
  • Janeway: "I've got an Ocampan who wants to be something more and a Borg who's afraid of becoming something less. Here's to Vulcan stability."
  • Janeway: "One voice can be stronger than a thousand voices."
  • Kes blowing up the corridors as she walked through them.
  • Kes throwing Voyager 9,500 light years closer to home.


This episode is more like Voy: Scorpion, Part III, as it directly deals with the events of the two parter. Never before has Voyager done a three part arc before. Interestingly, Seven of Nine says in this episode that Janeway won't be able to change her nature and that she will betray Voyager. When Seven said that, Chakotay's scorpion speech was ringing in my head. I'm not sure if the connection was intentional or not, but certainly interesting. In some ways I could have done without the scene depicting Janeway's private goodbye conversation with Kes. It was a little too feminine and tearful for my tastes. But I understand that it was necessary. It's just that I find it vaguely ridiculous trying to imagine a scene like that between Troi and Crusher, or Kira and Dax. In some ways it felt overacted. In the end, I suppose Kes was given a suitable amount of closure. Her scene with Neelix certainly could have been done better. The reason for their breakup is written off as a joke. And the suddenness of her leaving the ship is kind of annoying. I realize that behind the scenes, Jennifer Lien wanted to leave the show and all, but I would have expected a better farewell. To me, the loss of the Kes character really is a loss. I like Seven of Nine, but I liked Kes more. And I was really looking forward to seeing her grow old like was depicted in Voy: Before and After. Oh well. What's done is done. No more Kes. As a final comment, it's remarkable to note that this is the first of many times Voyager cuts substantial sum of time from its journey due to some extraordinary means. Thanks Kes!