Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x19 — The Killing Game, Part II


A World War II holodeck simulation goes awry.

Remarkable scenes

  • The drunk Klingon Neelix.
  • Janeway warning the American soldier Chakotay about the "eccentric people" who live in the "caves."
  • Tom: "Boy or girl?" Seven: "It's a holographic projection." Torres: "Unfortunately a very good projection. I feel 20 kilos heavier. It even kicks."
  • Janeway's discussion with the Hirogen captain.
  • Hirogen: "Sing." Seven: "I will not." Hirogen: "Sing, or you will die." Seven: "Then I'll die." Tuvok: "Seven, you're a valued member of this crew. The logical response would be to grant his request." Seven: "Logic is irrelevant. One day the Borg will assimilate your species, despite your arrogance. When that moment arrives, remember me."
  • Neelix: "Pardon me, gentlemen. I wonder if I might have a word with you." The doctor: "They're Klingons. Not kittens."
  • Seven of Nine and her photonic grenade.
  • Janeway using the range limit of the holographic projectors to her advantage.
  • The doctor and Neelix unleashing Klingons into World War II...
  • Janeway killing her would-be hunter.
  • The peaceful ending.


Why couldn't we get the Wolf 359 simulation mentioned in Part I instead of World War II? I was really, really looking forward to that. It would have made the episode loads less cliched and a lot more fun from a fanboy perspective; for we've not been able to see an unabridged version of the battle of Wolf 359. Also, the death of the Hirogen leader was somewhat cliche. It manufactured some new danger for the last few minutes. And I found it hard to believe Janeway could negotiate a peace so easily even after the two leading Hirogens were killed. Despite that, the peaceful ending was no less gratifying. While giving technology to the Hirogen may be borderline Prime Directive violation territory, I thought that it was truly in the spirit of Star Trek that Janeway cares about helping Hirogen society even after all she'd been through. Well done.