Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x18 — The Killing Game, Part I


Crewmembers believe they are characters in a holodeck simulation.

Remarkable scenes

  • Janeway as a Klingon...
  • The Hirogen leader discussing with his comrade how the Hirogen have lost their way.
  • Seven of Nine being placed into the holodeck in an awkward situation.
  • Janeway about to kill Seven of Nine, then she regains her control of her thoughts.
  • The simulated explosion blowing up the Nazi building as well as causing severe damage to Voyager.


A slow paced but effective action episode. Only the "Nazis in space" repeat of the blunder that was the premise of TOS: Patterns of Force is annoying. In the positive side, we get to see the Hirogen again, and we get to learn even more about their culture besides the tidbits from Voy: Hunters and Voy: Prey. It seems some of them believe the Hirogen are dying race because they're too nomadic. Voyager was boarded and conquered in this episode, but the Hirogen found Voyager's holographic technology interesting, and wanted to replay select bloody conflicts in Federation history. So they took over the crew's minds and are forcing them to believe they are characters in the simulations. Interestingly, Harry is spared so he can maintain the ship's systems and expand the holodecks. It's remarkable to note that Harry has managed to expand the holodeck several decks to pacify the Hirogen, and the doctor now has free reign on much of the ship without his mobile emitter. It's also remarkable that without the safety systems on, the holographic explosion severely damaged the ship. A fascinating first part to the two parter.