Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x16 — Prey


Voyager is caught in the middle of a deadly game.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Hirogen hunting species 8472. Awesome.
  • Seven of Nine's "social skills" exercise.
  • Tom's "look's like somebody lost their helmet" scene.
  • Species 8472 crawling around on Voyager's hull.
  • Hirogen: "I once tracked a silicon based life form through the neutronium mantle of a collapsed star." Tuvok: "I once tracked a mouse through Jeffries tube 32."
  • Seven of Nine firing at a floating PADD as a result of her anxiety. Tuvok's response: "You missed."
  • Janeway's story about fighting in the Cardassian border conflict.
  • Seven of Nine: "A lesson in compassion will do me little good if I am dead."
  • Seven of Nine beaming the Hirogen and species 8472 to the enemy ships.


And here we have Voy: Message in a Bottle, Part III. Kind of. Actually, I'm rather fond of the episode's actual name Voy: Prey as a reference to the previous episode Voy: Hunters. Kind of like DS9: In Purgatory's Shadow and DS9: By Inferno's Light. It shows intelligent writing to name episodes in such a manner. Similarly, this arc writing that Voyager's been using is very effective. Each episode leading into the next, DS9 style. This episode addresses both Voyager's new enemy and old enemy at the same time, the Hirogen and species 8472. Janeway the pacifist to the extreme is unwilling to take sides in the conflict between species 8472 and the Hirogen. She thinks she can use the situation to resolve her differences with both at the same time, but she was mistaken. Fortunately, Seven of Nine wasn't so stupid and saved the lives of the crew. Overall, another nice episode.