Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Voyager — 4x01 — Scorpion, Part II


Voyager gets a new shipmate.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser. Picks up right where part one left off brilliantly.
  • Janeway and Tuvok aboard the Borg cube.
  • Seven of Nine's introduction.
  • Seven of Nine: "Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One, but you may call me Seven of Nine."
  • Seven of Nine: "Your torpedoes are inadequate. They lack the necessary range and dispersive force."
  • Tuvok: "How did you obtain this information?" Seven: "We are Borg." Tuvok: "Naturally."
  • Seven of Nine: "If we transport 500 drones onto your vessel, do you believe you could offer sufficient resistance?" Janeway: "We'd die trying."
  • The Borg ship defending Voyager from species 8472, then sacrificing itself to protect Voyager.
  • Seven of Nine: "You are erratic. Conflicted. Disorganized. Every decision is debated, every action questioned, every individual entitled to their own small opinion. You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing."
  • Chakotay blowing all the Borg out into space.
  • The revelation that the Borg started the war with species 8472.
  • Chakotay to Seven regarding species 8472: "A species as malevolent as your own."
  • Seven of Nine regarding species 8472: "They are the apex of biological evolution."
  • The doctor being under appreciated after he healed Janeway.
  • Janeway: "I won't be caught tinkering with the deflector when those aliens attack."
  • Janeway: "We're going to war."
  • Kes, in telepathic contact with species 8472: "They say our galaxy is impure. Its proximity is a threat to their genetic integrity. They said your galaxy will be purged."
  • Voyager engaging species 8472.
  • Seven of Nine attempting to take over the ship and Chakotay invading her mind, initiating the "Scorpion" backup plan.


The Chakotay vs. Janeway conflict comes to a head here. Interestingly, I think they're both right. I think Janeway's idea to form an alliance with the Borg was the correct decision and I think the judgment call Chakotay made to end the alliance when he did was correct also. It's something of an irony. The two needed each other. Voyager needed them both in command at certain times. Janeway's too aggressive and Chakotay is too passive. But their combined leadership saved the day. Personally, I thought species 8472 backed off way too quickly. They must have overestimated the Borg's ability to defend themselves with the modified nanoprobes. This isn't necessarily unrealistic, just annoying. I was looking forward to a long and drawn out conflict between the Borg and species 8472 with Voyager entangled in the middle. The writers, however, were not. And it's largely all wrapped up at the end of this episode. In the end, Voyager is still in Borg space, but the Borg are ignoring them. Probably because they have lost so many planets, ships, and drones that they're still rebuilding their society. A single ship in their space would seem inconsequential. Most importantly, Voyager has gained a new crewmember though. A human former Borg.