Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x08 — Future's End, Part I


Voyager visits 20th-century Los Angeles.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tuvok catching Janeway's ball.
  • Braxton trying to destroy Voyager.
  • Janeway: "I won't sacrifice this ship and crew based on a ten second conversation, I need proof!"
  • Tuvok: "We could have worn our starfleet uniforms. I doubt anyone would have noticed."
  • Braxton describing the temporal paradox.
  • Braxton lamenting about the 20th century.
  • The phaser fight just after Tuvok wipes Raine's computer.
  • The soap opera scene.
  • Tuvok and Paris in Raine's van. Not very good spies. :)


This episode used to be one of my favorites of Voyager, but in later years I've grown to like it less. The main problem is that they get a few things just wrong, and during this time in Earth's past the Eugenics wars are going on, yet there is no mention of it. None of the little problems in this episode are serious, but they make the episode that much less effective to the seasoned Star Trek viewer. Some details that annoyed me were the way computers were handled in the episode; I rather like how when people type for two seconds and suddenly the computer does fifteen things automatically. Other than that, captain Braxton was a cool, albeit badly written initially and underused character. The first part presents a convincing story, though not without its flaws.