Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x07 — Sacred Ground


Janeway tests her spiritual beliefs.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor coincidentally saying to Janeway everything she went through was meaningless.
  • The doctor explaining how the whole thing worked in the end.


This episode evokes mixed opinions. Janeway's expressed respect for the culture of our aliens of the week is fantastic, along with her scientific skepticism. This episode is designed to explore the science behind religions. Though it's also designed to tell us not everything can be rationally explained, and that we should have faith in something. I'll be frank; the concept of blind faith annoys me more than most other things. Consequently, this episode comes off with an impression like a Final Fantasy game, or a Star Wars film, which is decidedly not what Star Trek is all about. But in the end, everything does have a rational explanation, thanks to the doctor's "very scientific" analysis. As a result, while I don't particularly like this episode much, a certain part of me respects its controversial nature.