Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x05 — False Profits


Ferengi opportunists pose as gods.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Ferengi pleading to be returned to the surface. I hate the fact that Janeway returns them to the surface, but I at least enjoyed the Ferengi's performance in this scene. They were funny.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 10. Greed is eternal. 22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind. (We don't know the number of this rule). Exploitation begins at home. 95. Expand or die. 299. Whenever you exploit someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way it's easier to exploit them the next time. (This rule is fake; Neelix made it up.) The unwritten rule: When no appropriate rule applies, make one up.


I'm not fond of this one at all as Janeway makes seriously bad decisions. A wormhole leading to the alpha quadrant is discovered, but Janeway won't go through it because Ferengi are exploiting the planet below. She beams them up and all is well, then she just lets them go for no good reason. All her problems could have been solved by just abducting them, going through the wormhole, and washing her hands of it all, but nope. Janeway's gotta do the "right thing" and let them go. She just takes the word of the Ferengi that their absence could damage the culture even more! Oh, so now we have to make it look like they leave naturally... waste more time on the Ferengi and before you know it they somehow manage to overpower ship security, steal back their shuttle, return to the alpha quadrant, and destroy the wormhole leaving it so Voyager can't go through either. And we're supposed to have sympathy for Janeway after these events? She was royally stupid! Oh yeah; and this episode features yet another alien race that looks exactly like humans. What a waste of a fantastic connection with a decent TNG episode.