Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x03 — The Chute


Paris and Kim are trapped in a hellish prison.

Remarkable scenes

  • Harry climbing through the chute only to discover they're in space.
  • Neelix' ship's skillful maneuvers.
  • Kim: "I was ready to hit you with the pipe. Don't you remember?" Paris: "You wanna know what I remember? Someone saying, 'this man is my friend. Nobody touches him. I'll remember that for a long time.'"


A rather unremarkable episode. It reminds me of all the captured, fighting, violence episodes TOS featured to get ratings. The only interesting thing was the rather intriguing insane character with his philosophies and his manifesto. I also thought Janeway's handling of the situation was rather skillful. It was fun watching her and Tuvok break Tom and Harry out of prison. Finally, the brief, touching moment of true friendship expressed between Paris and Kim in the end was pretty cool. Other than that, a slow mover.