Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x22 — Real Life


The Doctor experiences family life.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor's "ridiculously perfect" family and Torres' reaction.
  • Tom hitting on Torres.
  • Tom getting sucked into the space anomaly.
  • The death of the doctor's holographic daughter.


The doctor chooses another name in this episode. This time it's "Kenneth". I guess the events of the episode make it seem pretty obvious why he doesn't stick with this name either. One wonders how Torres could be so cruel to the doctor as to program up something like that. The episode would have been better if Torres' involvement in it hadn't ceased immediately after she reprogrammed the doctor's family. Overall, it's very moving in the end, and I enjoyed the anomaly of the week plot too. But the distinct lack of real consequences leaves one sort of unsatisfied.