Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x20 — Favorite Son


Kim becomes convinced he's a native of Taresia.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tuvok: "Perhaps you are experiencing a paradoxical state-dependent associative phenomenon." Janeway: "Déjà vu."
  • Kim firing on the alien ship seemingly unprovoked.
  • Harry tying up one of the women and knocking out the other to escape.
  • The beam out.
  • Harry and Tom talking in the end.


Another "Harry finds paradise" type episode. Unfortunately, the aliens in this episode were far more interesting than Harry's situation. I would have preferred to see more confrontation between the two peoples and perhaps some kind of outlining of their history, but we didn't get it. It's remarkable to note that every time Harry finds paradise, it's a fake and it's ripped away from him. I wonder why the writers enjoy doing this to him? Poor guy.