Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x18 — Darkling


The Doctor turns violent.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor consorting with holographic historical figures.
  • The doctor displaying odd behavior to Torres.
  • The doctor's fire assault. Clever, seeing as how he can't be burned. :)
  • Torres explaining to the doctor that by integrating personalities of historical figures, he also acquired the "dark" traits of their personality as well, explaining his odd behavior.
  • The evil doctor torturing Torres.
  • Evil doctor regarding the doctor: "What a hollow excuse for a life."
  • The holograms of historical figures after being tortured by the evil doctor.
  • Kes: "What you're doing is wrong." The evil doctor: "Not at all! It's working perfectly!"
  • The mid air beam up.


A largely unremarkable episode. The doctor is once again yelled at for tweaking his program and causing it to glitch; one wonders why he keeps attempting this if he keeps screwing it up. Kes broke up with Neelix in Voy: Warlord and finds a way to fall in love at first sight with alien of the week. She eventually realizes such a relationship is a bad idea and opts not to leave the ship; all very predictable. The evil doctor was overly cliched and the focus of the episode was too much on interpersonal relationships and too less about the doctor's struggle to improve himself at all costs. Having said all that, there were many scenes to redeem this episode, even if it was flawed somewhat in premise and execution.