Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x16 — Blood Fever


Torres gets involved in a Vulcan mating ritual.

Remarkable scenes

  • Torres' very polite reaction to Vorik's proposal of marriage.
  • The doctor: "For such an intellectually enlightened race, Vulcans have a remarkably Victorian attitude about sex." Tuvok: "That is a very human judgment, doctor." The doctor: "Then here's a Vulcan one. I fail to see the logic in perpetuating ignorance about a basic biological function." Tuvok: "There is nothing logical about the Pon Farr."
  • Torres' mood swings.
  • Tuvok confronting Vorik.
  • The doctor suggesting that Vorik take out his... desires... on a holographic Vulcan female.
  • Torres finding Tom irresistible.
  • Vorik challenging Tom.
  • Vorik fighting Torres.
  • Tom and Torres discussing what happened in the turbolift at the end.
  • The Borg corpse...


Vorik undergoes the Pon Farr, showing us once again how ridiculous Vulcan mating rituals are. I couldn't agree more with the doctor's complaints. The episode does make for some interesting entertainment though. Vorik pursues Torres, Torres pursues Tom. Tuvok tries to stay neutral but can't, and the doctor complains the whole way. Besides the emotional characters and the fighting, I was quite impressed with Chakotay's and Tuvok's handling of the xenophobic aliens in this episode. Someone invaded their world, so they dug deep underground and camouflaged their colony. At the very end of the episode, we find out who it was that invaded their world. The Borg... a very interesting cliffhanger.