Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x14 — Alter Ego


A holodeck character is obsessed with Tuvok.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tuvok regarding the Vulcan game of Kalto: "Kalto is to Chess and Chess is to Tick Tack Toe."
  • Tuvok playing Kalto with Marayna.
  • Harry: "Hi. My name is Harry read-me-like-a-book Kim."
  • Harry freaking out at Tuvok for playing Kalto with the Marayna.
  • Marayna transferred herself to sickbay, stole the doctor's mobile emitter, and went to Tuvok's quarters. Hilarious!
  • I like the discussion about just what Marayna could be. Nice references to TNG: Elementary, Dear Data and TNG: Ship in a Bottle.
  • Tuvok, Paris, and Torres all being attacked by Hawaiian holodeck characters.
  • Tuvok beaming to Marayna's space station.
  • Tuvok and Harry making up in the end.


This episode is interesting and original in a few ways. Firstly, we have our main characters obsessing over a holographic woman. First Harry wants to learn to be more Vulcan, then Tuvok seems to act more human when he lets himself get swept away by Marayna. Then Marayna turns into Moriarty style sentient hologram and attempts to take over the ship. Well, Marayna actually ended up being a woman on a space station keeping the nebula from blowing up; controlling the holographic woman remotely. The episode nicely explores the personalities of Harry, Tuvok, and Marayna respectively. The only thing neglected is this fascinating dampening technology. Personally, I would have liked Voyager to have spent some time figuring out how to adapt the technology to come up with a new way to prevent a warp core breach.