Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x11 — The Q and the Grey


Q asks Janeway to be the mother of his child.

Remarkable scenes

  • Q's appearance and declaration that he wants Janeway to be the mother of his child.
  • Chakotay regarding Q: "What did he want?" Janeway: "Let's just say he had a personal request."
  • The female Q calling Janeway a dog.
  • The visit to the American Civil War version of the Q Continuum.
  • The female Q's confrontation with Torres.
  • Voyager entering the Q Continuum.


A good sequel to Voy: Death Wish. While the episode is thoroughly enjoyable, it does suffer from a distinct lack of realism. This isn't a major problem; the Q are omnipotent and can therefore do anything. But Star Trek viewers like plausibility and the Q civil war just didn't make too much sense on certain levels. In this respect the episode seems more of the fantasy genre than science fiction. That said, virtually every Q episode is a good episode and this is no exception. I'd say the biggest highlight of the show as the female Q and her interactions with the Voyager crew. I rather liked her conversation with Torres. When Torres mentioned something about her having a superiority complex, the female Q responded with something like, "It's not a complex, dear, it's a fact." Good stuff.