Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Voyager — 3x01 — Basics, Part II


The crew fights for survival.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tom in a damaged shuttle, destroying a Kazon patrol ship that attacked him.
  • Janeway taking charge down on the planet, determined to keep everyone alive.
  • The revelation that Seska's child was Culluh's and not Chakotay.
  • The doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a counter insurgent." Count 15 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
  • Chakotay: "Trapped on a barren planet and you're stuck with the only Indian in the universe who can't make fire by rubbing two sticks together."
  • Janeway regarding seeing the erupting volcano spewing at them: "I think our top priority has just been dictated."
  • Suder mass slaughtering Kazon.


A hostile takeover plot is a fairly original one in Star Trek so far; the Enterprise D had been taken over, but covertly and far more briefly. This is the first episode to feature a battle in which the ship of the show is directly conquered and the crew put off the ship. As such, part one made for some very exciting story, though not without its flaws (see part 1 review), still exciting nonetheless. Now we have a story in which the cast is split up. Most of them are stuck on a primitive planet. Tom has a shuttle somewhere, the doctor is still aboard, hiding, as is Suder. Unfortunately, aside from the revelation that Chakotay was in fact not the father of Seska's child, nothing all that remarkable happens. Culluh and Seska are eventually fooled by the doctor, Suder, Paris, and the Talaxians. Suder's character is needlessly wasted, and the crew is reunited with the ship. The first part of this story unleashed so much potential that it seems like the rather adequate second part wasted some of it. Still, I enjoyed the episode. One detail to appreciate: the crew makes peace with the primitive people on the planet rather than waging war with them in the end. Very Trek-like. :)