Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x09 — Tattoo


Chakotay is stranded on a planet.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Doctor listing the descriptive words for pain.
  • Chakotay and Janeway discussing the absurdity of religion.
  • The Doctor sneezing.
  • Neelix and Tuvok have something in common. They breed orchids. :)
  • The Doctor at the height of his symptoms.
  • Paris: "The ship might make it with no inertial dampeners, but we'd all just be stains on the back wall."


What the crap? Another alien species, from the Delta quadrant no less, has visited Earth many years ago. How many does that make now? How much of a cliche has this become by now? Seriously, what is so interesting about Earth? Well, I at least found Chakotay's flashbacks interesting. Another interesting detail is Janeway's affinity for ship landings. This is her second attempt at landing the ship, she suggested doing it in another episode before this one, totaling three episodes that involve at least a mention of a ship landing. I enjoyed the Doctor's sickness too, but really the most enjoyable things about this episode were the sub plots and not the main plot. An exploration of Chakotay's Native American heritage is cool, but not when it's done with cliche++.