Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x07 — Parturition


Neelix and Paris crash land on a toxic planet.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kes' piloting simulation.
  • Harry, having replicated a new clarinet, playing for Tom.
  • Paris lamenting about having fallen in love with Kes
  • Janeway lamenting about the Doctor's eavesdropping.
  • The Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a voyeur!" Count 12 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
  • Neelix and Paris fighting one another then being summoned by Janeway for an away mission.
  • Kes' reaction to Neelix and Paris fighting.
  • The Doctor: "How delightful!" Kes: "Delightful!?" The Doctor: "You should consider it a high complement! Throughout history men have fought over the love of a woman. Why, I can quote you autopsy reports from duels as far back as 1538."
  • Neelix: "You don't need to impress me with your technobabble."
  • Harry counseling Kes.
  • Neelix and Tom caring for the baby... thing.
  • Neelix and Tom settling their differences.
  • Paris: "Lock onto us Voyager. If you hear muffled screams, consider that a request for a beam out!"


All I've got to say is finally. As much distaste I have for Neelix' jealousy and Tom's advances on Kes, at least we're getting some official recognition of it now and in fact a resolution and it actually does make for some decent story. I'm fond of Neelix and Paris being forced to survive together on a hostile planet in order to resolve their problems. Normally I don't like when it takes an unusual situation in order to get two people to get along, but in this case I liked it because in the end Neelix and Tom didn't only resolve their differences but they gained a deep respect for one another. The aliens of this episode were intelligently and credibly displayed. A very interesting and alien reptilian species fights to protect its young. I wish there could have been some kind of communication establishes, or at least some kind of explanation as to why the Reptiles leave their young alone on that planet. A number of rationalizations could have worked, but they give us none. Overall, a very pleasing Voyager episode.