Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x26 — Basics, Part I


Voyager has a showdown with the Kazon.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seeing Suder so peaceful.
  • Chakotay's vision quest, discussing the child with his father.
  • Suder's meeting with Janeway.
  • Janeway, regarding the repeated hit and run attacks: "It feels like we're being pecked to death by ducks."
  • The battle with the Kazon.
  • The doctor being projected into space.
  • Voyager being taken over.
  • Culluh putting the crew of Voyager off the ship and leaving with Voyager.


Welcome back Ensign Suder. A new man, no longer a psychopath. I really enjoyed the teaser. Suder being rehabilitated is a very cool thing. But this isn't about Suder, it's about the Kazon. Here comes the great showdown. Voyager's been avoiding them for a long time now, this confrontation is a long time coming. Chakotay decides he will care for the illegitimate child Seska conceived by stealing Chakotay's DNA. His vision quest equates the situation to when Native American women were raped by European men. The resulting children were not rejected, but cared for by the native tribes and Chakotay must not fight Seska's wrong (stealing the DNA) with another wrong (abandoning the child). I wonder why Janeway decided to play her little holographic game with Culluh, instead of just run. There's not much hope in fighting a battle against eight massive Kazon ships. Culluh's hilarious chauvinism is back in full force. Seska really is smarter than he is; he just refuses to believe it! This episode is thrilling and to a certain extent annoying. Culluh is a major prick, a villain you just love to hate. At the end of this episode, all you want is for him to get what's coming to him. Damn those cliffhangers. Well, many of the questions are already answered by the end. We don't know if Paris lived or not, but Seska thinks he's alive, so he's probably still alive. Suder is still aboard, along with the doctor. The two will probably concoct a way to save the ship. Not a very nail biting cliffhanger, but then, I hate cliffhangers, so it doesn't bother me. :)