Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x24 — Tuvix


Tuvok and Neelix fuse into one.

Remarkable scenes

  • Neelix: "I've been studying Vulcan music, do you know that lovely tune that starts, 'Oh starless night of boundless black...'" Tuvok: "That lovely tune is a traditional funeral dirge." Neelix: "I know. But it was the most cheerful song I could find in the Vulcan database."
  • Tuvix' appearance.
  • Tuvix blurting out "sex" for seemingly no reason at the briefing.
  • Tuvix, taking charge of the galley: "All right, everybody out!" Crewman: "On whose authority?" Tuvix: "Chief of security or head chef. Take your pick! Out, out out!"
  • Janeway regarding Tuvix: "His cooking is better than Neelix's."
  • Tuvix announcing he doesn't want to be separated.
  • Tuvix and Janeway arguing over who should live and who should die.
  • Kes admitting to Janeway she wants Tuvix to go through with the separation.
  • Tuvix freaking out on the bridge when Janeway reached her decision.
  • The doctor refusing to perform the surgical separation.


This episode is somewhat controversial. In one respect it's like Voy: Faces backwards, which is cool. It would have been nice if someone's lines made a reference to that episode given the similarities. I'm sure Torres and Tuvix would have had a lot to talk about. Some highlights, the actor selected for Mr. Tuvix was perfect. His voice indeed sounded like a merger between Tuvok and Neelix. In this episode, Janeway blatantly breaks the Prime Directive when she murders Tuvix. A decision which I wholeheartedly agreed with, though it made the episode no less tragic. Some people totally disagree with her. In fact, AFAIK, neither Tuvok nor Neelix were particularly popular characters when this episode was aired. Granted, Tuvok is my favorite character, I might have had some bias. I wanted them to be split. Though I was disappointed with how Tuvix met his end. Certainly it was realistic for him to try and preserve his life, but he could have gone out with more dignity. Another way this episode could have been better is if Tuvix was a recurring character. It would have been nice to see him in the place of Tuvok and Neelix for several episodes, perhaps even a season or two. It would make his demise so much more moving. Granted, what Janeway did is downright tragic, this episode seems a minor missed opportunity to me.