Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x22 — Innocence


Tuvok crash-lands on a moon.

Remarkable scenes

  • Ensign Bennet's death. A touching death for a redshirt.
  • Tuvok babysitting.
  • Tuvok singing.


A good Tuvok episode, but a poor sci fi episode. The science of people being born elderly, their age reversing, and they die as children is just ridiculous. You've got to give the episode props for Tuvok's performance; he did a fantastic job with the children. I also liked the initial diplomatic meetings between the crew of Voyager and our aliens of the week. It's nice for once to see peaceful aliens instead of someone who wants to conquer Voyager or steal her crew's organs and whatnot. Janeway also handled the points of contention between our aliens of the week well too. Good acting is nice, but the premise is just too ridiculous to warrant a high rating.