Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x18 — Death Wish


A rebel Q demands asylum on Voyager.

Remarkable scenes

  • A new Q showing up.
  • The new Q being very appreciative of Voyager freeing him.
  • The old Q showing up.
  • Tuvok: "I am curious, have the Q always had an absence of manners or is it the result of some natural evolutionary process that comes with omnipotence?"
  • The new Q explaining to Tuvok that the Q are not in fact omnipotent. Tuvok's response: "Intriguing. Just what vulnerabilities do the Q have?"
  • The old Q calling himself to the stand at the hearing. A double of himself appears. :)
  • Tuvok: "You find nothing contradictory in a society that outlaws suicide but practices capital punishment?"
  • The old Q bringing people from Earth with the promise that they will not remember the experience and no one will know they are gone. He brings Maury Ginsberg, Sir Isaac Newton, and Commander Riker!
  • The new Q demonstrating his prison.
  • Old Q: "You could live a perfectly normal life, if you were simply willing to live a perfectly normal life!"
  • The old Q bribing Janeway with a free trip back to Earth.
  • The visit to the Q Continuum.
  • The new Q making his case for self termination. His life's work is complete. Let life end!
  • Quinn killing himself.


One of Star Trek's best offerings. Voyager features a number of rare great Q episodes and this is the first. The humor is mixed extremely well with the very real issue of suicide. Not only does the situation parallel that of present day Earth, for Tuvok's statement "You find nothing contradictory in a society that outlaws suicide but practices capital punishment?" is a reference to the hypocrisy of present day Earth laws regarding suicide and capital punishment, but the episode presents extremely good science fiction at the same time, by presenting us a side of the Q continuum culture we've never seen before. Immortality is unbearable to certain Trek aliens we've seen, even to certain members of the Q continuum. One Q wants to kill himself, and now Janeway must arbitrate the dispute. An episode that many may think is just an excuse to recycle old characters from other shows to me ended up being one of Star Trek's most profound offerings, and a rare gem among Voyager.