Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x17 — Dreadnought


Torres tries to stop a deadly missile.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor lamenting about not being able to choose a name, then shooting down every name Ensign Wildman comes up with.
  • Torres and Chakotay describing their history with Dreadnought.
  • Janeway's communication with the planet Dreadnought was intending to destroy.
  • Torres' entry into Dreadnought.
  • Tom: "When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried."
  • Torres beaming back aboard Dreadnought, pissed off.
  • Dreadnought engaging the Rakosan fleet.
  • Torres' hypothetical game.
  • Dreadnought removing life support, trying to kill Torres.
  • Dreadnought's identity crisis.
  • Delinquent Tom Scenes; 1. Is late for the staff meeting. Chakotay chews him out. 2. Torres confronts Tom about his odd behavior in Engineering. Torres mentions he got in a fight with Lt. Rollins; Tom says it was because his conn. reports weren't punctuated properly.


This episode is excellent. Torres has to confront one of her old demons, literally. They did a very good job with the sets on dreadnought, it looked very Cardassian. I felt like I was watching a DS9 episode during some parts of it, which is no small compliment indeed! And Torres puts up yet another spectacular performance. There are parallels between this episode and TOS: The Ultimate Computer, as well as other Star Trek episodes. The behavior of Dreadnought's computer reminds me somewhat of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Some details to discuss, Voyager's reputation is once again at issue, which I liked. And Jonas does more traitorous communicating with the Kazon, which annoys me. Frankly, Jonas' scene in this episode seems almost as pointless as the one he did in Voy: Threshold. It seems obvious that it's leading up to a Kazon confrontation, and it doesn't take a genius to guess that Tom's odd behavior is somehow linked to Jonas' traitorous behavior. Jonas' activities are not particularly annoying on principle, it's the implementation I find all wrong. Why do the Kazon care about Voyager's current situation? Does it benefit them? Absolutely not. Why isn't Jonas transmitting real sensitive info instead of giving them harmless updates?