Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x16 — Meld


A mind-meld brings out Tuvok's "killer instinct."

Remarkable scenes

  • Suder's confession.
  • The Doctor gently ridiculing Tuvok's desire to understand the motive.
  • Tuvok mind melding with Suder.
  • Janeway's reaction to Tuvok's suggestion of an execution.
  • Neelix' obnoxious attempts to make Tuvok smile. Hilarious.
  • Tuvok attacking holographic Neelix.
  • Rebellious Tom.
  • Tuvok locking himself in his quarters.
  • Tuvok: "I am trained in the martial arts of many alpha quadrant cultures. Sitting here attempting to meditate I have counted the number of ways I know of killing someone. Using just a finger, a hand, a foot. I had reached 94 when you entered."
  • The doctor ranting about Vulcan mind melds.
  • The first treatment in which had no emotional control.
  • Tuvok breaking out of sickbay and confronting Suder.
  • Delinquent Tom Scenes; 1. Runs a betting pool. Chakotay chews him out. Tom disses him in front of a bunch of people afterward.


Suder is a fantastic character which I wish we could have seen more of throughout the series. His eyes are the best part of his character, very cool. Tom is running an illegal gambling pool and is starting to act like a prick. Tuvok and Suder exchange personalities somewhat. Suder becomes more Vulcan and Tuvok becomes more, well, evil. The doctor once again puts up a good show. He's got a lot of McCoy in him, constantly insulting Vulcans. Overall, a thrilling episode even with a distinct lack of action for the most part.