Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x14 — Alliances


Janeway seeks an alliance with the Kazon.

Remarkable scenes

  • The battle in the teaser.
  • Chakotay: "A lot of us can say we're alive today because of Kurt Benderan. There was never a better man to have at your side. Never anyone more willing to take on the tough jobs. The first time I met him was in a mining community on Telfas Prime. Some of the miners objected to my sense of humor and decided they should break a few of my bones. There were four of them and one of me and I was taking a beating. Suddenly this man I'd never seen before came out of nowhere and evened things up. We stood back to back and pretty soon the others decided my sense of humor wasn't so bad after all. I thanked the man. He just grinned and said, 'I like a good fight.' He was my friend from that moment on and he kept fighting the good fight right up until the end. I'll miss him."
  • Janeway bluntly claiming she'll destroy Voyager before she give the Kazon technology.
  • Janeway seeking advice from Tuvok. I like how Tuvok referenced Spock's attempt to ally the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Tuvok himself spoke out against it as a young man!


This is the first of many episodes in which Chakotay tries to impose a cowardly or un-Federation-principles style solution to the current problem, something that (mildly) annoys me. Other than that, this episode is a thriller. End Voyager's isolationist stance in the delta quadrant. We also get some nice cultural information regarding the Trabe and their relationship with the Kazon. It's a nice plot twist to have the seemingly peaceful repenting Trabe attempt an execution of all the Kazon majes. Overall another decent offering by Voyager.