Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x12 — Resistance


Janeway must escape from the Mokra.

Remarkable scenes

  • Augris describing Voyager's "disreputable" reputation.
  • Caylen's distraction.
  • Tuvok discussing pain with Torres.


Could have been a lot better. This episode reminds me quite a bit of DS9: Progress where Caylem is Mullibok and Janeway is Kira. Circumstances certainly differ. I liked hearing more about Voyager's "disreputable reputation", which is good continuity with previous episodes. Unfortunately, the plot is meager. Janeway and Caylem together made for some good acting, but did little to spice up a rather drab plot. The writers could have made a much more exciting plot out of Voyager's recurring fuel problem.