Star Trek: Voyager reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Voyager — 2x10 — Cold Fire


Kes makes contact with the female Caretaker.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kes' lessons with Tuvok. She listened to Neelix' thoughts. Funny.
  • Tanis regarding Voyager: "There are people, but there is so little life."
  • Kes burning up Tuvok.
  • Kes burning the hydroponics bay.
  • Janeway's meeting with Suspiria.
  • Tuvok: "Without the darkness, how would we recognize the light?"


We've been waiting for this one since Voy: Caretaker. We were told in the pilot episode that there was another Caretaker out there and it was just a matter of finding her. In this episode, when Voyager discovers that the remains of their dead sporocystian Caretaker friend start vibrating, that his companion may be near. Unfortunately, I am rather annoyed that we have yet another Voyager-might-get-home episode so early in Voyager's run. You know going into this that they won't get sent home by this or any other Caretaker, at least not so early in the show's run. One interesting thing is that Voyager is regarded by the natives as "the ship of death." It seems the Kazon are spreading rumors about them. Janeway once again demonstrates her superb diplomatic skills during her brief meeting with Suspiria. To me though, it's a shame Suspiria just up and leaves at the end of this episode, never to return. This makes this episode somewhat of an unsolved mystery on many levels. We're not entirely sure what the exact relationship between these Ocampa and Suspiria was. This episode clearly calls for a sequel, but unfortunately, it's one which we won't get.